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Blood and Gold from West Papua The Trade with Resources in an Occupied Territory

18.03.2024 Beginn: 19:00

Im Rahmen der Ausstellung Man and Mining im Museum der Arbeit
  • Gespräch
  • für Erwachsene
  • Kosten: Eintritt frei
Porträt eines Mannes mit weißer Gesichtsbemalung und Kopfschmuck aus Muscheln

One of the world’s largest gold and copper reserves is located in the Grasberg mine in West Papua, Indonesia. The mining project operated by Freeport Indonesia, a joint venture between the Indonesian government and the American company Freeport, is characterized by poor working conditions and large-scale environmental destruction and poisoning.
Additionally, land grabbing and the establishment of palm oil plantations pose further threats to the environment and the inhabitants of West Papua. Both, palm oil and copper are exported to Germany and used in products that we use every day. The presentation by Oridek Ap will go into more detail on how the indigenous population of West Papua, that derive their livelihood from the rainforests, are affected by mining and deforestation. The incorporation of environmental destruction and the cry for freedom in songs and music is a coping mechanism that will be highlighted in the presentation.

Oridek Ap is an Executive Member of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua and coordinator of the Free West Papua Campaign in the Netherlands. His father was the West Papuan musician and anthropologist Arnold Ap, who was killed by Indonesian Special Forces in 1984.

Die Veranstaltung findet in folgenden Sprachen statt

  • Englisch


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