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Caricatures on Integration & Assimilation

18.10. – 04.12.2023

The exhibition presents the competition results of the satirical magazine Don Quixote entitled “Turkey on the Way to the EU- Migration from Turkey- Integration & Assimilation- 60 Years Together”. The resulting multi-faceted collection of caricatures from around the world offers diverse, humorous and at the same time reflective insights into the topic of migration. Each individual work is as full of content as an entire book.

The exhibition is complemented by selected videos from the “60Leben!” project, which portrayed people of different generations on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the recruitment agreement with Turkey in 2021.

An exhibition of the Interkulturelle Denkfabrik e.V.

Funded in the program 360° – Fonds für Kulturen der neuen Stadtgesellschaft

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